Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Hi Raccoon Families and Students!
As we continue to ease into the routines of the new year, I want to just make sure we are on the same page regarding the purpose and structure of family-teacher conferences at OHS. Please check out the details below and let me know if you have any questions!
of Family-Teacher Conferences
start, please feel free to email teachers whenever you have questions or
concerns about the progress of your Raccoon. It even helps to share a
compliment or things that you feel are going well! The four designated
family-teacher conferences throughout the year are designed to be extended
conversations about one of the following topics:
- Career and
College Advancement Opportunities: A conversation focused on academic
progression and learning opportunities that exist in the class and shed
light onto recommended future coursework.
- Academic
Support and Brainstorm: A focused discussion on a student’s
individual academic progress and sharing of ideas on how to best support
their academic needs in the class.
Semester Kickoff Conferences (October and February)
will sign up in Family Access for a 10 minute face-to-face conversation with
teachers. Details on how to sign up are shared later in this letter.
- Term 1:
Thursday, October 6 (3:30-7:30pm) in a face-to-face format within
the teacher’s classroom or designated office area.
- Term 3:
Thursday, February 23 (3:30-7:30pm) in a face-to-face format within the
teacher’s classroom or designated office area.
we would love the opportunity to meet with every family, our teachers will only
have 14 meeting opportunities during these two designated conference days.
Given that most of our teachers are supporting over 100 students each semester,
we encourage you to be intentional about signing up and focus your conversation
on academic support and career/college opportunities. If you are looking for a
quick check-in and any updates on your Raccoon, please reach out directly to
your child’s teacher through email or contact your child’s counselor.
Families will be able to sign up for a slot for Term 1 family-teacher conferences through Family Access beginning at approximately 12:00pm on Monday, September 26, 2022
Conferences (December and May)
will reach out to families on an as-needed basis to schedule individual 10-15
minute conversations on their student’s individual needs and progress. These
meetings will occur in a virtual format.
- Term 2:
Thursday, December 8 between 3:30-5:30pm in a virtual environment at the
invitation of the teacher.
- Term 4:
Thursday, May 4 between 3:30-5:30pm in a virtual environment at the
invitation of the teacher.