Wednesday, March 15, 2023

April 12 Career, College, and Life Readiness Day (Activities and Modified Schedule)

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Our last Career, College, and Life Readiness Day for the year is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12. Details about grade-level expectations and schedules are outlined below:


Freshmen and Sophomores: Participate in ACT Secure and Forward Exam Testing

  • All Freshmen and Sophomores will take the ACT Secure and Forward Test. The ACT Secure will provide students with an indication of their current level of performance and if they are on track to be college-ready upon graduation. 
  • CLICK HERE to review an important letter from Mrs. Anders about the pre-test sessions, registrations, and Students will report to OHS as normal at 7:20am and be assigned to small group testing rooms. The letter linked above outlines the staggered dismissal times of our students based on the test they are taking. Students are welcome to be picked up at their dismissal time, but are also welcome to stay at OHS until the buses depart at their normal time of 2:47pm. schedule.

Juniors: Non-School Day

  • Juniors do not need to report to OHS on Wednesday, April 12. 
Seniors: Participate In Our Life Ready: Reality Check Simulation
  • Seniors are required to report to OHS to participate in our Life Ready: Reality Check simulation. In partnership with Bank Five Nine and dozens of other community businesses and partners, students will be able to experience the financial realities that come with independent living. Every year we get rave reviews from our seniors about the experience and we are excited that we can offer this opportunity to the Class of 2023!
  • CLICK HERE to learn more about the simulation and your assigned arrival time.
  • During the week of April 3-7, all seniors will be given a preview of this event and lesson during Pride. On the day of the event, the expectation is that all our seniors will arrive at their assigned time and be dressed in business casual attire

Our Career, College, and Life Readiness Days are essential in helping fulfill our vision of helping all our Raccoons become Career, College, and Life ready! Details about the 2023-2024 Career, College, and Life Readiness Days will be shared in August.

If you have any questions about the activities and schedules on April 12, please feel free to contact myself, Mrs. Anders (, Mrs. Stefan (, or your counselor.

Have a great day!

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