Monday, February 13, 2023

March 7 Career, College, and Life Readiness Day (Schedule Change) and Launch Your Future Month

Monday, February 13, 2023

Hi everyone!

I want to remind everyone that we will have modified schedules for our winter Career, College, and Life Readiness Day on Tuesday, March 7 and our spring Career, College, and Life Readiness Day on Wednesday, April 12. As a reminder, these days are designed to provide Raccoons with grade-level specific experiences and opportunities to reflect and prepare for life after high school. Click here to learn more about each day and how they promote our values of being grounded in our purpose, committed to our goals, and accountable to ourselves and each other. 

More information about the spring Career, College, and Life Readiness Day will be shared next month. However, outlined below are all the details for March 7.


Tuesday, March 7: Statewide ACT Testing Day—Only Juniors Report to OHS (No School for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors)

  • On Tuesday, March 7, only juniors will report to school as normal. Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors are released from classes and do not have any online learning expectations. It is important that our staff and operations focus totally on providing support to our Juniors taking this important exam.
  • Juniors will report to school as normal at 7:20am. We will run a modified schedule and anticipate ending the day at about 12:30pm. Buses will run their regular routes and students are welcome to stay on campus until the buses depart at 2:47pm.
  • CLICK HERE for important information about the ACT exam from our Associate Principal, Mrs. Anders. This letter outlines all the details about the schedule, materials to bring, and the pre-test sessions occurring later this month.

Launch Your Future Month!

March is Launch Your Future Month at OHS. While any student can participate in the activities, we have several events planned to support our Juniors as they begin the process of identifying their post-high school plans. In addition to taking the ACT exam on March 7, we will provide students and families with the following opportunities:

  • Career and College Symposium (Wednesday, March 8, 2023) 

OHS Main Campus (enter through the OAC)

Session 1 at 6:30pm and Session 2 at 7:30pm

o    Families and students are invited to OHS to explore and learn more about the post-high school pathways and opportunities that exist. We will offer several sessions so that families and students can be more informed about:

§  University of Wisconsin System: Learn about the application process for all schools within University of Wisconsin system

§  Wisconsin Private Colleges and Universities: Discover more about the private colleges and universities within Wisconsin. In this session, you will learn more about the application process and reasons for selecting a private college or university.

§  Wisconsin Technical Colleges: Meet with a representative from our Wisconsin Technical College system to learn more about programming and application requirements.

§  Post-High School Apprenticeship Opportunities: A representative from the Department of Workforce Development will share information about enrolling in apprenticeship programs throughout the state. Keep in mind that, in addition to the skilled trade apprenticeships, new apprenticeship opportunities continue to be added to various industries, such as healthcare, agriculture, and computer science.

§  Military: Learn more about recruitment and ROTC opportunities. Keep in mind, the military pathway is not exclusive to students looking to join the armed forces. The ROTC program works in conjunction with students looking to enroll at a university. 


Click HERE to register for the Career and College symposium.

  • Pathways Exploration Field Trips: Friday, March 17 - Pride and Block B

Our Juniors have selected a pathway to explore during an off-campus field trip on Friday, March 17. Three options include:

o    Wisconsin Education Fair: Wisconsin Education Fair at Waukesha North High School on Friday, March 17. The fair will have representatives from colleges and universities from all over the country. Students will have about an hour to explore the fair, meet with admissions representatives, and collect materials about the application and admissions process.

o    WCTC: Students that have indicated an interest in a 2-year college program will be given the opportunity to visit WCTC.

o    Trades Union: Students interested in a trades program will have the opportunity to visit various trade programs and meet with union representatives. 

No matter where you are visiting, we recommend that Juniors dress in business casual attire.

It’s an exciting time for our Juniors! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to myself or your counselor. As a reminder, you can schedule an appointment with your counselor by clicking here.


Go Raccoons!


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