Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Details and Logistics for October 18 Career, College, and Life Readiness Day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Hey Raccoon Community!

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022, we will host our fall Career, College, and Life Readiness Day. The purpose of this day is to give each grade level specific learning experiences rooted in our school values of being grounded in our values and purpose, committed to our goals, and accountable to ourselves and each other. You can click here to read more about the purpose and plan for each of our days.

Outlined below are the details for each grade level’s attendance expectations and activities. Check out the details for your specific grade levels.


Freshmen: Day of Service and Academic and Career Planning Launch (CLICK HERE for details).

  • Freshmen will report to OHS as normal at 7:20am. Buses will run on their normal schedule.
  • During the morning hours, our freshmen will engage in a service learning project focused on a career interest they selected during the week of September 12. These projects will be done in partnership with members of the Oconomowoc Chamber of Commerce.
  • Students will return from their projects in time for lunch at 11:00am. We will run our normal lunch operations.
  • In the afternoon, students will meet with their counselor, associate principal, or a member of our Student Services team to launch their Academic and Career Plan. This plan will guide their four-year course selection and high school experience.
  • Before heading out for the day, students will be able to connect with each other, learn more about the extracurricular activities at OHS, and have some fun as they head into the last weeks of the first term.
  • Students will be ready to be picked up at 2:40pm and buses will depart at 2:47pm.


Sophomores: Career and College Visits (CLICK HERE for details).

  • Sophomores will report to OHS as normal at 7:20am. Buses will run on their normal schedule.
  • Around 8:00am, students will depart for job shadow and college visits related to a career cluster they expressed interest in during the week of September 19.
  • Students are expected to dress in business casual attire and should either bring lunch or money to purchase lunch.
  • We will return to OHS in time for them to be picked up at 2:40pm. Buses will depart at their normal time of 2:47pm.


Juniors and Seniors: Release Day for ACT Testing or College Visits

  • Our staff will be busy supporting the freshmen and sophomore learning experiences. Therefore, juniors and seniors are not expected to report to OHS, unless you have pre-registered for the fall ACT test being offered at OHS. Registration occurred in early September. Please click here to review the details sent by Mrs. Anders earlier this month.
  • Students not testing are encouraged to use this day to visit colleges, work on admission or scholarship applications, and/or participate in job-shadow experiences.

It will be a great day of learning, connecting with each other, and reflecting on our future plans.

Please email me at CurtisJ@oasd.org or your counselor if you have any questions.



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