Monday, May 23, 2022

Upcoming Senior Celebrations Updates and Reminders!

Monday, May 23, 2022 
Hello Class of 2022 and Families!
We continue to draw closer to the end of the year…you can feel the excitement and energy around campus!
Heading into next week, I want to call your attention to some of the upcoming events and celebrations planned for the senior class. Check them out below and let me know if you have any questions.
As a reminder, seniors will be dismissed from classes at about 1:55 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25 and should report to the Gale Douglas Field House in order to pick up their Caps and Gowns. In addition, we will be taking our class photo and going over the following important information.
Finally, you can click here to access all the important details and information arounds senior celebrations and the Commencement Ceremony.
Have a great week!
Celebrate Your Future Week (May 30-June 3)
Families and friends are invited to join the Oconomowoc High School community as we celebrate the seniors who have committed to the military, workforce, apprenticeships, and  2-year and 4-year colleges during the following events:
Monday, May 30 
Memorial Day Ceremony (8:00-8:15 a.m.) on the OASD Facebook Page
We will honor our Raccoons committing to the military and honor our alumni and families who have served in our Armed Forces with this special Memorial Day Event. Join us on Facebook Live @oconomowocschools at 8:00 a.m. This ceremony is being coordinated and facilitated by the students in our Advanced Placement U.S. History class.
Senior Tribute Signs and Recognition
This weekend, Stadium Drive will be lined with recognition signs honoring each member of the senior class. The signs will showcase stickers indicating their contribution to the legacy of Oconomowoc High School. Family, friends, and community members are welcome to drive or walk around campus to check out these signs. The signs are for you to keep. However, we ask that you leave them on campus for our community to see and in recognition of Celebrate Your Future Week until after school on Thursday, June 2.
Tuesday, May 31 
Military Commitment Day (8:55-9:35 a.m.) at Rux Stadium
We will recognize the seniors enlisting in the Armed Forces in a special school-wide celebration at Rux Stadium. Please email Lauren Black at to ensure your military recruit is registered to participate. Family and friends hoping to participate should meet at Rux Stadium by 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, June 1
Apprenticeship and Workforce Signing Day (8:55-9:35 a.m.) at the Oconomowoc Arts Center
We will recognize the seniors committing to various apprenticeships in the skilled trades and employment opportunities in a ceremony at the Oconomowoc Arts Center. Please contact Kyla Stefan at to ensure your senior who is committing to an apprenticeship or the workforce is accurately registered for this special event. Family and friends hoping to watch this special ceremony should enter the Oconomowoc Arts Center any time after 8:30 a.m.
Thursday, June 2
2-Year and 4-Year College Commitment Parade (9:15-9:35 a.m.) at the Gale Douglas Field House
Seniors attending various 2- and 4-year colleges should dress up in gear and colors from their new school and showcase their college commitment. At the start of Pride, students will assemble in the Oconomowoc Arts Center and at 9:15 a.m. begin to parade down Raccoon Runway. Families and friends wanting to watch the parade can meet in the Gale Douglas Field House lobby at 9:00 a.m.
June 6-10
Monday, June 6 
Class of 2022 Academic & Community Honors Night (6:30-9:00 p.m.) in the Oconomowoc Arts Center
This year, the Class of 2022 Academic and Community Honors Night will recognize those members of the Class of 2022 for the following awards:
·  Local Scholarship recipients
·  Academic Excellence and Technical Excellence Scholarship Recipients
·  IB Diploma Programme Candidates
·  IB Career-related Programme Candidates
·  Straight A’s for seven consecutive semesters
·  Top 10% of the OHS Class of 2022
·  Valedictorian and Salutatorian

Susan Verhagen coordinates this event and will be sending out Invitations out the week of May 23rd to those students being recognized at the Class of 2022 Academic and Community Honors Night. 

Any questions, please contact Susan Verhagen at

Tuesday, June 7 
Class of 2022 Community-Wide Recognition and Parades
Seniors are asked to wear their graduation regalia as we take our final field trip of our high school careers. Graduation recognizes not only the completion of your high school journey, but the culmination of 12 years of education. As a class, we will visit our district’s elementary and intermediate schools to honor our former teachers and inspire the next generation of Raccoons who will build on the legacy that the class of 2022 is leaving behind. 
The day will conclude with a Farewell Assembly for the Senior Class at about 1:30. Families are more than encouraged to attend and should arrive by 1:15pm.
Other Important Reminders
  • Personalized Caps and Dress: We want to personalize the Commencement Ceremony to reflect your career and college goals. Therefore, students/families may request exemptions from the traditional commencement ceremony robes by June 8 at 3:00pm. Please email Mr. Curtis directly ( to request one of the following exemptions: 
    • Students wishing to design their graduation caps are welcome to do so. We will approve designs that reflect a positive message and your college or career goals.
    •  In addition, students entering an apprenticeship program or fire-fighting program are invited to wear their respective helmets instead of the traditional cap. 
    • Students enlisting in the military are invited to wear their dress blues instead of the traditional commencement robes. Please check with your recruiter on the appropriate attire.
  • The Commencement Ceremony will be livestreamed. You can click here to access the site. In addition, we will post the link as a pop-up on graduation morning on our district webpage. If they can’t attend the Commencement Ceremony,  friends and family can watch the livestream from a computer anywhere in the world or from the air-conditioned comfort of the Oconomowoc Arts Center.
  • Seats at the Commencement Ceremony are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The gates to Rux Stadium will open at approximately 6am when we begin to set up for the ceremony. You are welcome to come and reserve seats and return later. However, the only way to guarantee your spot is reserved is if you leave a family member to reserve your seats. The concession stand will be open!

Term 3 Overview and Important Dates

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