Thursday, March 10, 2022

Schedule Change and Update For Tuesday, April 12

Thursday, March 10, 2022
Hey everyone!

Our last Career, College, and Life Readiness Day for the year will occur on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. As a reminder, Career, College, and Life Readiness Days are designed to provide grade-level-specific activities that help students prepare for life after high school. You can click here to learn more.
Grade-level-specific activities for Tuesday, April 12 are outlined below. Please check them out and let me know if you have any questions!
Good luck on your term 3 exams and have a great spring break!

Freshmen and Sophomores—ACT Aspire Examination 
Freshmen and Sophomores will report to OHS as normal on Tuesday, April 12. Throughout the day, each student will take the state-required ACT Aspire exam. The exam is designed to provide each student data on their progress toward being college ready. Room assignments and specific details will be shared with students in early April. 
Click here to check out all the important details from our Associate Principal Melissa Anders.
Juniors—No School
Juniors do not have any classes on this day. We encourage families to use this day to visit local 2- or 4-year schools, participate in job shadows, or meet with military recruiters. 
Seniors—Participate in Reality Check Simulation
All seniors will participate in our annual Reality Check simulation. The activity is completed in partnership with quite a few community businesses and is designed to help seniors think through the responsibilities and challenges of financial independence. Seniors will report to campus at assigned times and participate in the 2-hour activity. 
Click here and review this letter from myself, counselor Susan Verhagen and our School to Career Coordinator, Kyla Stefan, to learn more about the experience and to identify your assigned time.
Please keep in mind that dress is business casual, so you will need to dress appropriately for this experience!

Term 3 Overview and Important Dates

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Hi everyone! With the start of the new second semester, I want to provide everyone with an overview of the key d...