Friday, September 15, 2023

Family Teacher Conferences at OHS (Thursday, October 5)

Friday, September 15, 2023


Hi Raccoon Families and Students!


Our fall family-teacher conferences will occur on Thursday, October 5, 2023.  Outlined below are the purpose and structure of family-teacher conferences at OHS. Please check out the details below and let me know if you have any questions!

Conference Dates and Format

  • Semester 1: Thursday, October 5 from 3:15-7:15pm
  • Semester 2: Thursday, February 22 from 3:15-7:15pm

All conferences are scheduled to be face-to-face in the teacher’s classroom or assigned office area. You will be alerted of the exact location for your conference prior to your meeting.

Purpose of Family-Teacher Conferences

To start, please feel free to email teachers whenever you have questions or concerns about the progress of your Raccoon. It even helps to share a compliment or things that you feel are going well! The two designated family-teacher conferences throughout the year are designed to be extended conversations about one of the following topics:

  • Career and College Advancement Opportunities: A conversation meant to focus on academic progression and learning opportunities that exist in the class and shed light on recommended future coursework
  • Academic Support and Brainstorm: A focused discussion on a student’s individual academic progress and sharing of ideas on how to best support their academic needs in the class

Keep in mind that conferences are planned for teacher-family conversations. While myself and the Associate Principals will be around to meet or help you with anything, our counselors are available to meet on an as-needed basis through the You Can Book Me tool and will not be available for meetings on Family-Teacher conference nights.


Conference Formats

Families will sign up on Family Access for a 10-minute face-to-face conversation with teachers. You will be able to sign up for a time slot for semester 1 conferences beginning at approximately 12:00pm on Monday, September 25, 2023.

Appointments can fill up quickly. If you cannot reserve a spot with a teacher, please feel free to email them directly and arrange an alternative time. 





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